Application Management
Change add-on 3rd Party Patching to ==> Application Management
Split out the Patch Management for OS Updates och App Updates to
System Management
Windows Updates (patching and upgrades editions/features / twice a year)
macOS Updates (patching and upgrades editions/features / once a year)
Debian/Ubuntu (patching, apt [dist-]upgrade and version, apt full-upgrade)
+adding sources, repositories backports + non-free
CentOS (patching, dnf update and version, yum install)
Application Management*
Windows chocolatey
macOS brew
Debian/Ubuntu (apt install) / CentOS (yum install)
Also the possibility to set settings, run scripts, tasks and workflow (1) globally for system mgmt and app management | per customer and customer scope (2) per individual application / system
Custom Titles is reworked to work with above functionality
There should be management views, maintenance views, reports view, to know that the functionality has done whats configured and that it keeps upholding it e.g. GPMC.
Comments: 11
08 Dec, '20
Johnny J* There are of course a lot of package manager and MS have now "gracefully borrowed" win-get. But the suggestion is that the package manager has a good "track record" and good user community base to last for years.
Windows chocolatey
macOS macports / homebrew
Debian/Ubuntu (apt install) / CentOS (yum install)
Pulseway will then build upon to find maintenance that the packages are actualy installed based on policy, overview of all polices and their applied status, reporting, scripting|setting/tasks/workflow per global, per customer, per group, (per policy), per specific application within that scope -
18 Dec, '20
Johnny Jand add this into the "Allow deployment of .exe files in Custom Titles" feature requests
07 Jan, '21
MatthewI agree, shifting to the terminology Application Management makes a ton of sense. I have also been thinking about how much more awesome Pulseway would be if they started leveraging Chocolatey and Homebrew, as well as Linux package managers. I support everything else you have mentioned here 100%.
09 Jan, '21
Johnny Jand in reference to "Deploy software independant of Patch Management"
14 Feb, '21
Johnny JAnd in reference to: -
14 Feb, '21
Johnny JAnd in reference: -
10 Mar, '21
Johnny JAnd in reference to: -
22 Mar, '21
TomSI like your suggestions Johnny, I've made another similar suggestion that ties into this: -
04 Jun, '21
Joseph NashEven the ability to show the uninstall string would be a nice bandaid until something more robust comes out.
25 Jul, '22
Andrew Mwould love chocolatey integration of some kind or ability to create and deploy custom 3rd party packages