More Robust Input and Site Variables
While I love that Pulseway has started getting into allowing custom fields and variables, as it stands right now, if I'm being honest, the custom input variables on the scripts in it's current form is basically useless. It takes more time to click add/edit and input what is needed into the UI, then it does for me to just declare the same variables at the start of my script when writing them.
1. Have script input variables work as environment variables, and they can be filled in at the time of script run. So if I have script to search for something by date range, I can create 2 input variables, Start & End, and leave them blank. When I got to run the script, it pops up a window with the available custom input variables allowing me to fill them in at that time.
2. Site variables that are attached at a site level and allow you to call them inside your script by using $env:customvariablename.
I am out of room to explain more, and can only attach 1 screenshot.
Comments: 9
19 Aug, '21
Jay FlaggWe moved from competitor RMM and also miss the ability to use “runtime” variables. This allows us to declare the value at the time of running the script or setting up in automation (tasks and workflows).
It GREATLY reduces scripts needed for creation. Basic Example: I can create one script to restart any service by declaring the service name as a runtime variable. This allows me to call any service by name when running the script, therefore being able to re-use the same script 100 different ways, vs. duplicating the same script template for each desired service. -
01 Sep, '21
ChuckMark is spot-on: Declaring a variable is faster than using the custom input variable fields. Instead of having us write multiple scripts to account for every possible variable, I'd like to write scripts that prompt for user input each time to define the variable's value for that particular execution.
20 May, '22
Sagy LangerAdd custom fields at the customer level. Useful for installation that requires a unique key per customer.
27 May, '22
Emil EngblomYes, this is something we also are missing.
25 Aug, '22
ZondorStill wanting this to be input. Greatly useful for renaming pc's via powershell scripts.
I know it's only a oneliner but it still makes life easier. -
28 Nov, '22
Magnus GustafssonYes please. What's happening about this request?
03 Dec, '22
Tony FussellYes please. this would be useful for me also.
13 Apr, '23
Rick PIf I can upvote this multiple times I would. This is the first thing I looked for when I wrote my first custom script.
14 Aug, '23
Chris BI was able to do this in Syncro to rename computers or add a user to RDP on a specific computer. It's faster for me just to go into Windows and do it as it stands now.