Checlists in PSA tickets

8 votes

Posted 6 hours ago (edited)

I am very shocked that PSA being as advanced in features as it is, does not have an option to insert a simple to do checklist in a ticket. I see there is this thing called To-Do & Service Calls but that's something entirely different as it even does not show the actions needed to be done on the list... just that its a To Do item.

What if I want to for example have a ticket template for an IT assistant to do somethings and track his progress? Like for example setting up a new system so I know he has ordered the computer, he installed the OS, he configured the antivirus software, he connected it to the domain etc.

Can I please request you guys add such functionality? I know this can be done similarly by adding a ton of notes into a ticket but that creates a lot of clutter in it. It would be perfect if there was a separate section aside from notes called Checklist and it could be configure

Under consideration Suggested by: Jędrzej Piekarski Upvoted: 19 Sep, '23 Comments: 2

Comments: 2